The Cast
So far, there have been only three "worth-watching" Point-Of-View Movies: Cloverfield, The Possession of Michael King, and Chronicle; of which, Cloverfield is the best of the bunch... until now...
When Afflicted started my heart sank and I reached for the remote. There are way too many awful P.O.V. Movies out in the Horror genre so I was already in conflict with myself... should I turn off or should I give it a chance...
I am most certainly glad I chose to give it a chance. It's just a shame it took me five years to get to watch it... thank you The Horror Channel for adding another movie to my expanding list of favourites.
I also have to admit I was dubious since it's a vampyre tale. In recent times, vampires have not been what they should be (with sarcastic thanks to Stephenie Meyer). However, I have to give a real and heartfelt thanks to both Derek Lee and Clif Prowse, who wrote, directed, and acted in a True up-to-date vampyre tome. For anybody thinking of doing a vampyre novel or film then check out the Afflicted as this is how it should be done.
What Afflicted does it tell the story of Derek Lee, who wakes up one day doubting his life choices so he chooses to make a big change. With the help of his best friend Clif, they decide to go on a world tour they had planned in school. Clif will document the entire journey and post it online. They promise their followers to visit any place they recommend and to do any dare they challenge. However, in their first stop, Paris, Clif dares Derek to get laid. Except, for Derek's lover for the night isn't exactly normal...
From here on in, Clif begins to document Derek and the changes he and his body is going through.
What makes this such a good film is the change in perspectives as Derek transforms. In the beginning, there's worry as he's sick, unable to keep food down, projectile vomiting, and in pain. This alters to wonder and awe as he realises his strength has increased; he can run at speed and jump great distances. There then comes fear and anxiety when he finally realises what he must do to stay alive. In the end, there's anger and hate as he hunts down the woman responsible for his altered state, looking for a cure.
Another good thing is actually the camera work. This is the thing I usually dislike the most in P.O.V. Movies. But Lee and Prowse are masters in this style. It really takes off in the action sequences, the police chase is spectacular as the viewer is taken on a parkour of the town. Even the added gunshots are worked brilliantly; adding blood splatter not to just the camera lens but to the floors and walls. Unlike most films created by this technique, Afflicted looks as though the directors actually worked out every shot to its maximum benefit. This reminded me a little of Chronicle in the way some of the shots were orchestrated and of Cloverfield in the working of the atmosphere.
Then there's also the little details. The scene where Derek subjects himself to sunlight is painful. The bubbling, erupting, and burning skin made me wince.
So the story is good, the direction and pace are heading towards perfection, so what about the acting... Well, surprisingly both Lee and Prowse are really quite good. Not fantastic but definitely well above average... and no ham or wood in sight. Which is a good thing as they are the two main roles and appear in every scene.
So If you like horror flicks you really should consider watching this, if you haven't already. If you like action flicks then you too should enjoy this Vampyre film.
I give this a Terrific Bloody Bite of 7.75 out of 10.
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