Tuesday 4 April 2017

Video Nasty - Blood Feast

Blood Feast


Friedman-Lewis Productions : Box Office Spectaculars / Cult Video / Astra Video

7.75 / 10

Blood Feast Poster

Director Herschell Gordon Lewis is definitely the wizard of gore as this film attests.  Though this film was shot in 1963 and the special effects were just starting to bloom, Lewis knew he could get away without showing too much by coating everything in gallons of fake blood.

It's this overabundance of the sticky red stuff that placed Lewis into the hearts of all the horror lovers out there - myself included,

Here you have an Egyptian Caterer, who is really a follower of an Egyptian Goddess he is trying to bring back to life by carrying out an Egyptian "Blood" Feast.  This consists of taking body parts from numerous beautiful women... a heart here, a brain there.  These are to be devoured at the feast and when a willing sacrifice is given to the Goddess she will arise once more...

Lewis does a pretty decent job of keeping the pace of the story flowing throughout the film, keeping the audience interested.  The acting is standard and the only two outstanding characters are Mal Arnold who overacts the hell out of the killer Fuad Ramses and helps make the film more distinctive, and lovable in a B-Movie kind of way.  Though, Gene Courtier as Tony the boy on the beach is really annoying and detracts from the film.

If you want a romp through a slayerfest then you will like this tongue-in-cheek horror film.

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